Caleb Schaller

An Imagined Escape

Artist Statement

“Art is an escape from reality.”- Henri Matisse

This body of art creates a space that is untouched by the chaotic and unpleasant reality of our world. By having control of the world that exist within my art, I am able to create a place in which a pristine environment allows for escape. The inspiration for this body of work originated from my interest in science fiction, science museum dioramas and historic prints of real and imagined landscapes and the exotic worlds created from these imagined places. I’m influenced by a wide range of artist from Albrecht Dürer and Henri Rousseau to Todd Marshall and C.M. Kosemen. This art also explores the historical significance of printmaking as a method of documentation. With the difference being that the art documents my imagination as an artist creator. These imagined landscapes break away from reality and offer the ability for me to create my own.

View the next artist's artwork: Carmie Baxter

Caleb Schaller