Lexie Housley

As I Wander

Artist Statement

Pulling from the rituals, symbols, and material goods found within Buddhism and Catholicism, I created creatures based off of my understanding of each religion’s traditions. Using woodblock printing, I aimed to replicate the feel of manuscripts, something found in most cultures or religions. With bright detail colors and iridescent calligraphy, I bring each religion to a level where it can be valued and appreciated visually. Giving each religion its own equal ground and space, while also allowing for experimentation with religion, is important to me. All the creatures being placed at an equal eye level to each other, dialogue can be imagined between them. Using calming composition, I hope the dialogue implied is a more healthy and peaceful one than most of the real dialogue I grew up hearing as I wandered through life brushing up against these religions.

View the next artist's artwork: Margarita Castanon

Lexie Housley